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ZITF 2024 Exhibition Awards


The Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) 2024 had finally come to a close, and the excitement was palpable as the winners of the various categories were announced. The crowd erupted in applause as the first award was presented to the Zimbabwe Energy Regulatory Authority (Zera) for the Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the Energy category

Next up was the Ministry of Youth Empowerment, Development, and Vocational Training, which took home the award for Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the First-Time category. The team beamed with pride as they accepted their prize.

The Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority was awarded the Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the Tourism and Travel category, while Premier Service Medical Aid Society won in the Medical and Health-related category.

Netone Cellular Pvt. Ltd. took home the award for Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the ICT category, and the City of Masvingo was recognized as the Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the Civic Participation category

The Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science, and Technology Development won two awards – Best Zimbabwean Exhibit in the Education and Training category and the coveted Supreme Zimbabwean Exhibit award.

Other winners included Duracrete (SME category), Verify Engineering (Agriculture and Irrigation equipment category), Tredger Products (Building and Construction category), Allied Timbers (Furniture, Home Improvement, and Interior Decoration category), Industrial Development Corporation of Zimbabwe (Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics, and Chemicals category), Delta Corporation Limited (Food category), Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) (Motor Trade category), Procurement Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (PRAZ) (Business Support and Regulatory Authorities category), Edgars Stores Limited (Clothing, Footwear, Textiles, and Accessories category), Minerals Marketing Corporation of Zimbabwe (MMCZ) (Mining and Engineering category), Zimbabwe Post (Packaging, Plastics, Stationery, and Printing category), and Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) (Non-Industrial, Non-Commercial category).

Finally, the European Union Delegation to Zimbabwe was recognized as the Best and Most Outstanding Foreign Display.

As the ceremony came to a close, the winners celebrated their achievements, and the crowd dispersed, already looking forward to the next ZITF exhibition.

Sheltryn Parangira

We Are Leaders In Innovation: ZB

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