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ZESA Holdings Invest In $70 Million Cable Manufacturing Project


ZESA Holdings engaged in a landmark $70M cable manufacturing project in partnership with Sheikh Al-Qassimi of the UAE and this strategic venture will bolster Zimbabwe’s electricity infrastructure and create new jobs.

“The production of cables would commence in nine months and the plan is to start the electrification of the school across remote areas, bring connectivity and devices as laptops and tablets for students to enhance world class education.

He added that the new company will manufacture all aluminum conductors and cables and the country needs thousands of kilometers of these cables to replace the old ones which keep blowing during rainy seasons”, ZESA Executive Chair Sydney Gata said.

Deputy Minister of Energy and Power Development Yeukai Simbanegavi remarked that they are working with ministry of primary and secondary school to benefit immensely through the establishment of the plant to be constructed in Bulawayo and enhancement of the factory of cables, smart metering devices and ZESA coding.

Tari Mudahondo

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