
NetOne Launches Zimbabwe’s first ZimSmart Villages Hi-tech Ecommerce & Ehealth Centre


NetOne Launches Zimbabwe’s first ZimSmart Villages Hi-tech Ecommerce & Ehealth Centre –
By Ross Moyo
One of Zimbabwe’s finest youthful minds Tawanda Njerere has been part of Zimbabwe’s first ZimSmart Villages Hi-tech Ecommerce and Ehealth Centre launch at Pricabe-Sherwood in Kwekwe.

Speaking exclusively to TechnoMag, Njerere appreciated Zimbabwe’s President Mnangagwa who graced the official Launch alongside NetOne Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) Engineer Raphael Mushanawani.

Njerere also expressed his heartfelt feelings on his Facebook page writing,
“Feeling Blessed and Grateful!

“Today, I had the privilege of being part of a historic moment in our country—the grand opening of Zimbabwe’s first ZimSmart Villages Hi-tech Ecommerce and Ehealth Centre at Pricabe-Sherwood. This pioneering facility, following the successful entry-level pilot in Chikomba earlier this year, is set to revolutionize access to healthcare and digital commerce in our country.

“I am immensely thankful to the Lord for allowing me to witness and be a part of this transformative project. This center is not just a building; it’s a beacon of progress and hope for our entire community, leading us towards a healthier and more prosperous future.
#healthcareforall #telehealth #Innovation #LeavingNoOneBehind
Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa Tatenda Mavetera Hon Tatenda Mavetera

#ZimSmartVillages #FirstHiTechECommerceEHealthCentre #DigitalHealth #ECommerce #Zimbabwe #Innovation #CommunityDevelopment #Blessed .”

Ross Moyo

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