Tech News

NetOne Boss Speaks on Data Cost, Connectivity


NetOne Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Raphael Mushanawani expressed concern over issues of data cost and connectivity in Zimbabwe before adding that access to data was a human right because every citizen wants to be connected.

Raphael Mushanawani said these sentiments during the Zimbabwe Annual Conference in Harare yesterday.

”Everybody wants to be connected, everybody wants to use data for business, for health, to transact. We are very sensitive to the plight of our customers with which without them we cannot exist and cannot even make money,” he said.
Mushanawani, an Engineer by profession, said the government is doing its best to make sure data prices are lower with the need to compete for customers.

”At the same time, the business has to run, we need to strike a balance. When we look at the region, South Africa for instance they are very close to the under C cable, we are on land. Our headline tariff as given by POTRAZ remains very low as POTRAZ maximum data per megabyte does not allow operators to breach the 0.17 per megabyte lawfully” said Mushanawani

He, however, hoped that the coming in of new players in the sector is expected to improve Zimbabwe’s internet connectivity.

Sheltryn Parangira

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