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#BreakingNews: President Mnangangwa Approves Potraz’ Starlink Application In Zimbabwe


In an unprecedented move that has shocked and excited most Zimbabweans, the president of Zimbabwe has written on his official X (Twitter) platform that he has approved Starlink application, a matter that was currently being handled by the national Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe, Potraz.

The regulator has been given a go ahead to process the Licence and  IMC communications  has been given sole and exclusive rights as a local partner.

Wicknell Chivhayo who runs Intratrek is suspected to be the person behind IMC, the work address for Intratek is also 53 Samora Machel.

Dandemutande however in the past has indicated that it’s working with Starlink as  it’s local partner for backhauling purposes and after completing  their fibre over rail link.

Interestingly IMC is located on the same address as Dandemutande adding more speculation that it was given the rights for this exclusive deal.

Effort to reach Dandemutande were fruitless as the phones were not answered by time of print.

it’s now speculated that IMC maybe a product of both stakeholders, especially when IMC is stating that it has been licensed and serving for over 30years in Zimbabwe.

This means soon, millions of Zimbabweans will be able to access unlimited and fast  internet under the StarLink service provider.

Soon Potraz must announce the Licence, a move which then automatically switches on their local presence.

StarLink however increased its prices from the initial $53per month Prices rose to $120 per month , for users in limited capacity areas, while prices will drop $20 a month, to $90, for those in excess capacity areas, while international roaming is now at a whoooing $200 per month. The new pricing took effect on April 24.

it remains to be seen how the Zimbabwean tarrifs will be charged.

The  presidential statement  reads :

One of the strategic pillars that anchor the 2nd Republic’s developmental agenda under Vision 2030 is innovation, science and technology. Prioritization of the digital economy and the emerging importance of technology in our day to day activities requires Government to lead from the front in providing an environment where investment in technology is promoted.

In this vein, I’m pleased to announce that i have approved the licensing of Starlink by POTRAZ to provide advanced internet and related digital processing services in Zimbabwe through its sole and exclusive local partner, IMC Communications (Pvt) Ltd. Starlink @Starlink is a Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellite operator wholly owned by global conglomerate Space X led by promiment multi-billionaire @ElonMusk.

The entry by Starlink in the digital telecommunications space in Zimbabwe is expected to result in the deployment of high speed, low cost, LEO internet infrastructure throughout Zimbabwe and particularly in all the rural areas. This will be in fulfillment of my Administration’s undertaking to leave no one and no place behind. The investment confidence expressed by Starlink in Zimbabwe’s telecommunications infrastructure also dovetails with the 2nd Republic’s mantra, “Zimbabwe is open for business”. I encourage more investment by foreign conglomerates in Zimbabwe as we are an investment destination of choice.

I take this opportunity, on behalf of the Government of Zimbabwe, to congratulate IMC Communications (Pvt) Ltd and Starlink on this commendable milestone aimed at revolutionizing the digital and communications technology landscape in Zimbabwe. Investments of this magnitude and strategic importance represent the cornerstone for achieving the 2nd Republic’s objective of having a fully digitalized, upper-middle income economy by 2030.



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