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ZIMSTAT hosts Data User-Producer Symposium

The Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency (ZIMSTAT) is hosting a four-day Data User-Producer Symposium, in Mutare aimed at fostering cooperation, and consultation between data users and producers in Zimbabwe.
Speaking during the event in Mutare , Hon. Advocate Misheck Mugadza stated that producing disaggregated statistics, such as provincial Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment data, provides valuable insights for informed decision-making.
“ZIMSTAT’s recent production of disaggregated statistics, such as Provincial GDP and provincial employment data, is a step towards achieving this goal. ZIMSTAT’s partnerships with local data producers, including local authorities, CSOs, and other sub-national entities, are also paramount for the production of disaggregated data,” said Mugadza.
“Producing disaggregated data helps to fulfill the ‘Leave no one and no place behind’ mantra,” he added.
“Producing disaggregated data helps to fulfil the ‘Leave no one and no place behind’ mantra” he added
Mugadza therefore urged stakeholders to fulfill their roles by working together to achieve the NDS1 and devolution and decentralization agenda.
“I urge all stakeholders to play their part effectively. This will go a long way towards the attainment of the 2 mutually reinforcing agendas, Agenda 20230 and Agenda 2063.” he said
Acknowledging the vital role of statistics in informed decision-making, the Government of Zimbabwe has entrusted ZIMSTAT with the responsibility of leading and coordinating the development of a comprehensive National Statistical System (NSS).

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