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NetOne Partners With City Of Harare For Clean-Up Initiative


Mobile network operator NetOne has teamed up with the City of Harare council to launch a clean-up initiative aimed at promoting a cleaner and healthier environment in the capital city, Harare, the clean-up exercise started from Netone Kopje Plaza extending from the Rowen Martins.

The collective aim is to foster a clean, secure, and healthy environment, echoing the essence of the Presidential Clean Up Declaration.

Speaking on behalf of Group CEO Raphael Mushanawani, NetOne Public Relations Officer Rudo Vicente, “As NetOne, in partnership with the Harare City Council, we embark on this clean-up exercise starting from at the NetOne Kopje Plaza and extending to the Rowen Martins environs. Our collective aim is to foster a clean, secure, and healthy environment, echoing the essence of the Declaration.

The initiative brought together NetOne employees, City of Harare council workers, and local community members, who collectively collected trash, cleared drains, and beautified public spaces and the success of the clean-up initiative is a testament to the power of partnerships and community engagement. NetOne’s commitment to social responsibility serves as a model for other corporations, demonstrating the importance of giving back to the community and promoting environmental sustainability.

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