#MondayBlues: Econet HR Executive Magaya Fired!


Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has fired its controversial Human Resources executive , Mr Innocent Magaya, a man who has been behind the sacking off of most Econet employees in the past few years, #MondayBlues can reveal!

Sources close to the matter divulged that many corridors at Econet are ecstatic  that Innocent Magaya the man who used to swing his sword, willy-nilly  against employees has finally fallen by the same blade.

However, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe refused to comment over the matter, neither did they deny the fact that Mr Magaya had left without explaining the the circumstances he left under.

Efforts to call Mr Magaya on the matter were fruitless as his known public Econet number  was not reachable or now disconnected .

#MondayBlues has it that Magaya was the person behind victimization of Econet employees who were contemplating leaving the company or had done so for greener pastures as some suffered major backlash and were immediately dismissed before their new contracts were signed . 

Some sources close to the matter alleged that Magaya lost it when he recently fired Econet  employees who were close  to the heart of Strive Masiyiwa, a matter which forced a probe into his executions, forcing a two months suspension to be put  over him  pending expulsion.

Magaya had unfairly dismissed  Regina Tendayi from Econet Wireless two years ago citing constructive dismissal following a personal friction between the two, a matter which Regina won against Econet Wireless, costing the company a quarter of a million dollars.

According to the Herald, The resignation came after Tendayi was re-assigned from her position as Head, Talent and Organisation Development to Head, Talent Development.

She then sued the employer for constructive dismissal. Her claim succeeded and she was awarded damages by arbitrator Mr Joel Mambara, which she consequently registered in the High Court. Econet unsuccessfully opposed the registration of the arbitration before High Court judge Justice November Mtshiya. Econet Wireless then took the matter up to Supreme Court on appeal and again lost.

Justice Anne-Mary Gowora recently threw out the appeal with costs.

“The matter be and is hereby dismissed with costs,” said Justice Gowora.

In its grounds of appeal, Econet Wireless attacked the arbitrator for making “grossly erroneous fact findings repugnant with logic in finding that the first respondent had been unfairly dismissed”.

“In the instant case, there was no such dismissal,” argued Econet Wireless through its lawyer Advocate Taona Sibanda of Chinawa Law Chambers.

Tendayi who was being represented by Adv Thabani Mpofu, instructed by Mr Collin Kuhuni of Kuhuni Attorneys, argued that the decision of the lower court in granting the application for registration of the award could not be faltered.

Econet Wireless has an appeal against the arbitration award pending at the Labour Court.

Mr Kuhuni confirmed yesterday the Econet Wireless was battling to stay a writ of execution of property after the Labour Court indicated that it has no jurisdiction to thwart the attachment of the property.

Econet opted for negotiations.


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