Tech News

Mnangagwa Officially Opens ICT lab In Somabhula


His Excellency E. D. Mnangagwa yesterday during the launch of the National ICT Policies officially opened a school laboratory where he donated 250 computers for 20 districts in Midlands Province.

In a speech, the President said this will curb the digital divide and give equal opportunities to students in the rural and urban areas thereby promoting digital know-how and the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

‘’It will help promote digital know- how, innovation, the use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning while also strengthening our country’s cyber-security measures.’’
Through Mnangagwa’s commitment in the vision 2030 of living no one and no place behind, he identified ICT infrastructure development as key in the attainment of a digitalised Zimbabwe.

In his remarks, the President urges the public to use technology beyond social media,
‘’We must use the infrastructure that my Government is putting in place to improve service delievery in healthcare, education and agriculture among other aspects.
The President wants school children to be knowledgeable about computers so that they digitalize Zimbabwe.
‘’Our determination is to close the digital gap and guarantee universal access to reliable and high speed internet connectivity’’.


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