Local tech News

Hon Mavetera Hands NPAZ Befitting Easter Present


The Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, Honourable Tatenda Mavetera today handed over 20 laptops to the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPA) to capacitate them as they execute their duties.

Speaking at the handover ceremony, Hon Mavetera said the devices will enable prosecutors to leverage technology in case management, research, communication and information sharing thereby enhancing their overall productivity and response time regarding digital-related crimes.

”We believe that these laptops are going to go a long way in capacitating the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe (NPA) and we believe that the Ministry of Justice is also going to be assisted in efficiency and effectiveness while fostering a culture of innovation within public service sectors” said Hon Mavetera
She added, ”We need to operationalize all our pronouncements to make sure that we come up with good policies, practices, procedures, processes and principles. When we talk about principles, we are saying our work culture has to be different, our actioning has to be in line with what we are pronouncing and indeed our systems also need to be efficient.”

Minister of Justice, Honourable Ziyambi Ziyambi applauded the Ministry of ICT for their effort and said this will help the country to national goals.

”We are confident that as the National Prosecuting Authority of Zimbabwe, we will leverage on the support that we received today from the Ministry of ICT to achieve our justice sector goals and national goals aligned to NDS1 and SDG16 targets. We remain committed, collaborated with the Ministry of ICT and other justice sector players as our goal is to ensure that every participant in the justice delivery chain has the capacity and tools to deliver excellent and efficient service to the nation” said Ziyambi.

Collaboration between different government entities is pivotal to achieving a successful transition into a full-fledged digital economy while upholding cyber security laws effectively.


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