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ICT Minister Sets July Deadline For ICT Sector Power Crisis

The Minister of ICT Honourable Tatenda Mavetera has set July 2024 as the deadline to work towards alternative power sources to help alleviate the national power crisis at base stations affecting telecoms service provision in Zimbabwe.
Hon Mavetera has since started the engagement of all stakeholders involved for a win-win solution.
Speaking to TechnoMag, the minister stated that they are working with all stakeholders including the Ministry of Energy, and considering going green for a lasting solution to ease pressure on mobile networks.
 “By July 2024 we need to come up with sound solutions which will make us see what we need to do.  We have given ourselves three months to work towards that and see the alternative sources, what we need to do, and what Telcom’s operators need to do. We need to sit down and be able to come up with solutions that will be a win-win solution for everyone”, said Mavetera.
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