
Millions Watching Online As Zimbabwe Drama Unfolds


Never In the Zimbabwean history has Zimbabweans witnessed a fully connected generation or pre-election phase on 3G+ and  fibre connectivity,  which now careless about traditional media houses breaking news, but rather everyone has become a citizen journalist informing the next person.

With a current data penetration of 37%, and 3 million gigs of data used in the last quarter,  the latest political developments in Zimbabwe are highly likely to push national data penetration to an all-time high as millions are sharing and searching for updates amidst the national political anxiety.

ZBC TV the national broadcaster which had to be captured by the army to report news factually without bias has also become a credible option for more confirmed updates while millions are literally relying on social media for updates 

Of course our sister company an online tv broadcastingTechMag.Tv was broadcasting the event live below.


The current political situation which is demanding that President Mugabe must resign followed by expulsion from the party by his own party cadres is unprecedented and foretelling, to say the least.

Zimbabweans have glued to their cellphones as millions get more instant updates mainly from Whatsapp group and circulating messages while some are being fed by trending topics on social media with Twitter and Facebook being the major sources of information.

With this trend that has already set a precedence, millions are likely to continue being online not only to get more updates but to continue their digital life online, as many people jumped on the bandwagon anticipation of the political updates.


Finally ZBC Comes To Kwese

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