Econet Wireless Zimbabwe has aggressively responded to the current Starlink Launch in Zimbabwe, with an enticing data package, just what many have been yearning for, and in time.
TechnoMag was given an invite to test the unlimited $30 data package which also comes with 480 minutes and 500 SMSs.
This move comes right in time as millions are likely going to be persuaded by whatever reliable and affordable data service in Zimbabwe.
Zimbabwe data consumers market has been under very expensive packages and the major shift to drastically reduce these coats access will see millions adapting the local data services or completely dumping them for affordable and reliable data service
We will give you full review of our current experience in terms of speed, stability, efficiency and of course the hidden terms of services, which we hope will kick in soon after multiple downloads.
In the meantime, this move is most likely to be the product to shake up the market as they ready it for the officially launch.