Allied Health Practitioners Council Urged To Be Technoprenuerial


The Allied Health Practitioners Council of Zimbabwe has been urged to promote technoprenuership through the setting up of a Technoprenuerial Development and Innovation Division.

This encouragement came from Dr  Gwatirega Javangwe who was speaking at the AHPCZ conference running alongside the fair. He said the council which overseas over about 17 health professions should prioritise technopreneurship.

“We need to put technopreneurship at the core of our business whether they are institutions of higher learning, private practice or government institution we need to embrace that.

“ As a strategic thrust, I believe, it’s a proposal, AHPCZ should consider setting up a technopreneurial  development and innovative division which should be a centre responsible for coordinating, promoting and managing and supervising all activities related to technopreneurial development  in the allied health practitioners council,” he said.

He also said moving along with technological rapid evolvement helps allied health practitioners to cope up with new innovations.

“We also find out that The Allied Health Practitioners are everyday bombarded by new medical devices,new technologies and new technics that originate from new theorectical foundations but they require new skills to be exploited fully and effectively.

“But the question is we are getting these skills from elsewhere, these new technologies from elsewhere, its high time we think of innovative and coming up with new ways,” added Javangwe.

Meanwhile, AHPCZ is working towards developing a mobile application that will allow interested members to register with the council while enabling existing members to upload documents as well as renewing their membership.



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