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Vic Falls Readies UN Tourism Gastronomy Forum


By Ross Moyo
The Pristine Victoria Falls Society (PVFS) has embarked on a daily clean up campaign ahead of the much anticipated United Nations Tourism Regional Forum on Gastronomy Forum for Africa beginning Wednesday this week.

A PVFS official confirmed they are on the ground running to maintain the pristiness of the town that hosts the seventh wonder of the world, “As we speak, we are overwhelmed by waste, not from people in Victoria Falls but from visitors hence we have been trying to do firefighting with our small team. We have had a week of thorough cleaning. Since the marathon, we are collecting 50 to 60 bags per day on average from our targeted areas.”

Whilst the gastronomy forum begins this week, the PVFS was formed three years ago by stakeholders and Victoria Falls residents.The PVFS committee is made up of individuals representing different organisations within Victoria Falls, making an unerasable mark in the resort town after more stakeholders and individuals took the pledge to ensure Victoria Falls remains a pristine city.

This undertaking maintains the city in its pristine state by picking up litter daily with organisations sharing streets they clean everyday.

All activities are spearheaded by a taskforce that implements the enforcement to keep Victoria Falls clean, composed of Environmental Management Authority (EMA), Victoria Falls City Council and police, PVFS which is largely made up of tourism players.

The United Nations (UN) sent its Tourism inspectors to check out the facilities in May and was impressed by the cleanliness of the city.

This after Zimbabwe was selected to host the inaugural forum in Victoria Falls, making the destination a leader in gastronomy and already organisers have identified areas for excursions and village tourism visits as well as some leisure activities for visitors.

The resort town of Victoria Falls is rated as the cleanest urban area in the country, alongside Kwekwe, Mutare and Bulawayo whilst the UN Tourism is the United Nations agency responsible for the promotion of responsible, sustainable and universally accessible tourism.


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