Converged Telecommunications Operator, TelOne today unveiled its High Level Clients Customer Experience Centre in Zimbabwe’s second largest City of Bulawayo, better known as the City of Kings in the leafy low density suburb of Hillside, as they bring high class standards and customer experience to their highly valued clients.
TelOne is successfully shelling out its company from a traditional parastatals, running archaic infrastructure into a new modern organization running on trendy systems, as they remain relevant in this highly evolving tech industry.
Probably their first was scored some 5 years ago with their small and compact Borrowdale office, ever since then they have maintained the same trajectory of modernizing their customer service outlets, most of them which have been established decades ago.
The visionary move driven by their executive, Managing Director MD Chipo Mtasa, a tried and tested veteran captain from the hospitality industry has put a taste into looks, albeit on ancient infrastructure, with a cozy touch of class that has managed to make TelOne remain relevant in this digital era.
Chipo Mtasa

This move has reminded more customers of the need not to only continuously use the TelOne services, but access them easily, closer to their various communities and while more importantly continuously improving technologies for day to day convenience.
Their latest high value centre was launched recently in Harare Highlands area, an aesthetic center with fresh breath of air, which demands more high technological products on the service counter.
TelOne Hillside

During their Chitungwiza launch of 4G base station for the community, TelOne signaled the bell to the death of a very important and legacy technology, ADSL, this is what has made TelOne what is it for years, like your only first born child, termination becomes necessary but painful, when he has come of age.
Speaking at the launch of this high value Centre,, ICT, Postal and Courier Services Minister Dr Jenfan Muswere said: “Through these data centres, we are able as a nation to increase security and system resilience. Furthermore, we expect remarkable improvement of speed and quality of service.”
Minister Muswere added that the launch of new service offerings by TelOne shows that the company is on the right track in terms of business development.
Managing Director of TelOne Chipo Mutasa also echoed similar sentiments.
“The launch will strengthen our capacity to provide cloud based services such as as virtual private servers, web and email hosting . We are also able to offer a diverse portfolio of future services leverage on data center and clouding environment, thereby allowing the developments of new exciting products to enhance the digital landscape in Zimbabwe,”
TelOne Hillside
Ministers and Top TelOne Executives

“Indeed we are excited that all aspirations that have been introduced by the government in National Development Strategy we are trying by all means to live by and we are excited that all this development that we are doing as TelOne , they will improve development in Zimbabwe,” she said.