Telone Launches US$1M Mazowe Data Centre Expansion Project


Zimbabwe’s telecommunications Operator TelOne, has launched its fourth perfomance Optimised Data Center at Mazoe Earth Station in a bid to strengthen the capacity to provide cloud services such as virtual private servers ,web and mail hosting.

Minister of Information, Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, Dr Jenfan Muswere, made the remarks at the Mazowe Data Centre Expansion launch.

“We are aware that the growth of the economy, and its ability to create new business models that didn’t exist 20 years ago, relies on data and data storage capacity,” said Min Muswere.

“The rise of the ‘Internet of things’ creates huge volumes of data that need to be processed and stored.

“According to research, the digital world already holds twice as much data as there are litres of water in our oceans and, in the next five years, we will generate more data than we did in the previous 5000 years.

“Better still, Africa alone needs up to 1000 MW and 700 facilities to meet the demand for data centres.

“I am, therefore, pleased that Zimbabwe is playing its part, through such projects as this one, and the other TelOne Data Centres in Harare and Bulawayo.

“The expansion of the Mazowe Data Centre is a firm foundation for the implementation of the National Development Strategy One which requires that we set up a sound digital economy.

Telone Chairman Dr D Zimbango said the new modular data centre enhances TelOne’s ability to offer a full suite of rack products from quarter racks up to 48 RackUnit (RU) racks, which means that customers who are largely banks and financial organisations,telecommunication providers, private companies, government departments, and a range of Information Technology service providers will enjoy highly customizable, fully managed, and secure disaster recovery hosting for carrier-grade IT resiliency.

“The completion of the fourth Performance Optimised Data Centre structure here at Mazowe. This has increased capacity here at Mazowe by 150% having moved from 14 racks to 34 racks
powering 300kW of IT equipment and up to 6PetaByte of data,” he said.

Data centres are an essential IT infrastructure underpinning economic development, supporting pillar sectors like financial services, telecommunications, and other industry sectors. They are also a key driving force to catalyse the development and adoption of e- business, digital government and smart city solutions that rely heavily on highly reliable and efficient computing facilities for technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, big data analytics, Internet of Things, 5G, etc.

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