Powertel Gets ZIA Recognition


Powertel, a ZESA subsidiary and telecommunication service provider last night walked away with a Zimbabwe Investment Authority second runner-up gong for its intense effort to connect Zimbabwe to the prepaid ZESA platform through its power plus system. 

Powertel now retails PowerPlus prepaid electricity vouchers in-store and through the e-vending partner network, a move which helped cut costs and led to closure of most ZESA banking halls as thousands found alternative ways to pay for ZESA. 

The powertel Investiment saw it connecting up to ZB Bank, CBZ Bank, POSB, TelOne, NetOne, ZimPost, PetroTrade, AgriBank, Homelink, OK Zimbabwe as their distibutors, connecting millions across the country tothe service.  

Speaking at the awards dinner nioght, the Hon minister Minister of Macro-Economic Planning and Investment Promotion Simba Mumbengegwi highlighted the need for Zimbabweans to use ICTs and cut on time wasted on traditional system to achieve goals that could be done easily with technology.

Powertel is running the system with PowerPlus. To this end Powertel is now collecting 92 percent of all ZESA payments, a staggering achievement for a technology that Zimbabwe has implemented less than 2 years

To date, the 10 PowerPlus vending partners have established several direct vending points running under the e-vendor system and ZB bank leads the pack with 9 741 points while POSB has 3 510 and CBZ 1 632 points .

Powertel is the sole aggregator of the system, which has more than 21 000 vending points nationwide.



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