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Motorists’ mixed-bag of experiences at toll-gates is set for a revolution after the country’s second largest mobile network operator Netone unveiled a digital platform for prepayment.
According to NetOne the mobile operator has partnered with Dr George Manyaya’s led Zimbabwe National Road Authority (Zinara) to bring total convenience to motorists on the country’s highways.
NetOne’s latest innovation has aimed to change the way motorists do business at toll-gates.
In an exclusive Interview with TechnoMag, Netone said at the just ended Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) in Bulawayo, the platform will change the experiences motorists have had at toll-plazas across the country and bring to an end the queues induced stress that had become part of their lives.
Netone added that, they have also partnered with Champions Insuarance Company for all the insurance.
“We have entered into partnership with Champions Insurance, so what we are doing is that we are offering OneSure as a solution to all your insurance.”
Their partnership with Zinara is also going to make life easy for motorists as they are going to allow express passage at toll-gates.
“Our partnership with Zinara is an information technology driven solution that provides a platform to pre-pay for your toll-fee deducted directly from your account and allowing you express passage at toll-gates,” said Netone.
“This is an exciting time for motorists solution because it brings convenience. They don’t have to wait in a queue anymore.
“So basically as Netone we are saying we are bringing you technologies, we are bringing in digitalization to the market which is in line with the NDS1 where the drive is to digitalize the economy and to connect the unconnected and also looking at the vision that is there for 2030 the thrust and the drive is that no place and noone must be left behind. So we are moving with that vision and moving inline with that.
“As a network we are relevant to the needs of the customers and the needs of the market so we continue to do so to ensure that our customers experience is really amazing and our customers experience is identifying with customer needs that customers are looking for. So we are bringing in travel convenience with OneMoney tollgate platform, said Netone.
OneMoney Information Communication Technology Manager Cliff Murambiwa added that this initiative is not limited to Netone users or OneMoney users only but the service is being extended and open to all other bank account holders.
OneMoney Information Communication Technology Manager