Imagine if Zimbabwe had social media in 1879, with Thomas Edison trying to create the first light bulb, or in 1876 with Alexander Graham Bell telling us that he wants to create the first telephone, or after traveling distances for decades on horses and chariots in 1885 Karl Benz tells you that he wants to create the first automobile, even much crazier later on in 1903 with Orville and Wilbur Wright explaining to us that its possible to travel over the sky using the airplane.
These guys would have quit long time back and stopped trying and the world would still be stuck up in the 18th century technology because we are good at critiquing.
Hip Hop artists Nas would say we “hate what we cant conquer, fear what we dont understand, its just an inferior man that became a monster!”
By Toneo Toneo
Zimbabweans have a propensity to destroy anything they dont understand nomatter how nice and creative, as long as its done by fellow country man there is zero confidence and trust, and all negative energies will be on steroids.
These people do not like to see you try anything neither are they ready to test it.
I also understand the political polarisation where a good product can be sacrificed because of certain actors behind!
At the time when other governments and fellow country man are seriously investing in Research and Development, (RnD) taking innovation and discoveries at national level, incubating and dedicating millions into commercialising ideas, we are laughing at each other destroying the possibility.
They are people who are hell bent on seeing nothing positive from their fellow brothers, even if the project dismally fails, so what? How many times have real inventors failed before they succeeded.
There is no big invention that has never failed before.
Millions of investments have been put to see Elon Musk make his Electric Vihecle and it took a very long time for Tesla to commercialise and much more funding towards his Space X launches and reusing of his falcon rockets.
Technology has never stopped becoming better, inventions and technology keep getting better, yes we have science and rules that must be adhered to but what if a new ground could be broken.
From cooking to communication, GPS, and MRI, the modern world simply wouldn’t be possible without the discovery of microwaves and understanding how to utilize them.
There was once upon a time Zimbabweans dared to dream and created a laptop brand called Nhava! Many people told us how this project was going to fail, i know they were trying to run on certain motherboards and low end processors for entry market and the support service was also bad.
They dared to dream but did we ask how we could have made them better or even help them create their own next Toshiba,HP or even Imac.What policy was put in place to support the RnD and the potential market for a possible buy Zimbabwe.
Tawanda Kembo tried his own local bitcoin and introduced a cash ATM although he was caught up in his internal management issues, he dared to adapt the crypto currency in its early days, the only official statement we received was a RBZ ban , effectively stopping him and branding him illegal. The Golix CEO Lost Password To Wallet Containing Close To $250 000 Worth Of BTC, a tragedy indeed,but that was the earliest days of digital currency adoption.
“Daniel Chingoma dared to dream, he developed a helicopter in 2003 and 2009 respectively. The crafts never flew. The helicopters were made from scrap metal and a Lexus v8 engine with mirrors from a bakkie truck and a tobacco thermometer in the cockpit.
Barnabas Sibanda in 1994 in Bulawayo created a helicopter which was named the Zim-copter. The vision behind the dream is to create a cheap and quick means of transport. The helicopter was a working prototype; is claimed to have cost the innovator $17 000. However, the prototype was never regularized. The innovator claims that the helicopter cumulatively flew close to 65 km.”
Saith Technology founder Mr Maxwell Chikumbutso for the past 15 years has been working on a technology that he believes is ground breaking and revolutionary. He launched a product that defies physics and creating power from a microsonic devices, thats powering up heavy loads from 15 000kw.
This innovation claims to be harvesting radio frequency in A way that noone else has and its part of his patent hence the Obscurity, so does the source say
Some people are asking what it if fails?

Maxwell Chikumbutso Microsonic device hi
Its ok to fail!
Where is our support to make sure its successful, where is the Reserach and innovation funding, what is SIRDC doing about such a potential innovation, where is the funding from the ministry of youths, more importantly what is the private sector and potential business partners doing to see this become a success.
Is this not a power breakthrough for country struggling with load shedding.
We must gather for a cause not for destruction!
Some are claiming its all fake and he is a fraudster, well we are also going to take some time soon to physically test run the innovation, if it works, it does not matter whether its radio waves or other signals charging!
Can it run the infinite power supply needed.
What matters is its working to solve the biggest problem mankind has faced which is funding self sufficient energy to last as industry focuses on production.
Noone has answered this simple question.
What if it Works???