
Mixed Feelings Over Zim’s Customer Satisfaction Index


Zimbabwean customers are fairly satisfied with the services they get from various sectors such as banking, telecommunications, internet service provision, airline as well as insurance.

In the Zimbabwe Customer Satisfaction Index launched on Wednesday, local companies in these industries are generally meeting the customers’ expectations as they put up a cumulative 70, 2 percent   national index.

The telecommunications sector where they looked at Econet, NetOne and Telecel had a 68, 4 percent index while internet service providers such as Africom Powertel, TelOne and ZOL getting 66, 1 percent.

“Telecommunications. Our Econet, Netone, Telecel 68, 4 (percent)… And then internet service provider, Africom Powertel, Telone, Liquid, there is 66, 1 percent,” he said.

However, attendants at the launch received findings from the Banking, Airline and Parastatal sectors with a pinch of salt. They also laughed off saying the findings leave more questions than answers.

Select Managing Director Tov Manene defended the findings saying they were looking at many variables. He had to join in the laughter with the attendants while explaining the results from these sectors.

“So obviously we could not expect baked percentages there.

“But however, as I said again, there are certain banks within who are doing very well, and you will find the CSIs for each individual bank like different. So wide some of them. So that’s the banking sector with all those that we looked at.

“Finally, the airlines (attendants laughing) we had Ethiopian Airlines, Kenyan Airlines, South African Airlines, and our beloved Air Zimbabwe (attendants calm before he laughed).

“But collectively their customer satisfaction index is 61 ,7 percent. The report will tell you who is below the rest in that category,” he said.

With the national CSI at 70, 2 percent, much needs to be done to improve customer excellency.

“So it therefore means there is still a lot that needs to be done of creating service excellency so as to delight our customers and once we do that we create customer loyalty leading to profitability of our organisations,” said Menene.




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