
Makamba Jets back In Zimbabwe!



After TechnoMag exclusively broke news about James Makamba planning to come back to Zimbabwe, we can now confirm that the businessman has returned to his motherland, 12 years, after he went into exile.

On paper Makamba was formally charged with externalization of foreign currency including $2, 2 million, €3,7million and R15 million. A charge which many speculated was trumped up and targeted against him after falling out with the then President Robert Mugabe.

Makamba however finally jets back inZimbabwe, after the enactment of the President  E D Mnangagwa and is headed towards running his business top amongst them is Telecel Zimbabwe which he and his local associates have had 40% controlling stake.

In a statement Makamba said :

“Anyone who has stayed away from their respective home for an extended period of time will tell you that it’s no fun. So much happens, in my case, I lost a dear daughter, Chiedza, known to most people,” Makamba said.

“Friends, relatives and family had to stand in on my behalf on her burial, a thing that I found extremely painful. However, life goes on.

“We are answering the call by the new president Cde Mnangagwa to come home, work with other in rebuilding our economy because Zimbabwe is going to be great once again.”

Watch the video here


One ambitious project he once ran was the first ever private TV station in Zimbabwe, Joy TV , which was running from Harare Metro Politan Province, which unfortunately was terminated by the government citing licence issues.

Makamba sits on the boards of Telecel Zimbabwe, IBBAMO Foundation, JHL Investments, Thurlow & Company, Kestrel Corporation (Pty) Ltd, African Business Connect, Makamba & Associates and Anglo African Minerals.


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