
Local Smartphone Brands Await OneTech Inclusion


Local smartphone brands such as GTel and Astro will soon be incorporated onto NetOne’s OneTech facility as soon as talks are sealed, a company official said.

For now, the OneTech facility launched yesterday is offering popular foreign brands such as Samsung, iPhone, Huawei, Lenovo, Lumia to mention but a few. OneTech, a scheme for existing and prospective customers to purchase high end smartphones is backed by a BancABC’s BancEASY $10 million facility.

Asked why Gtel and Astro were excluded on the list of smartphones on sale, NetOne Chief Operations Officer Clever Isaya responded that these brands would come onboard once discussions are completed.“The list of devices that we have is not exhaustive. We are in discussions with the two operators (Astro and GTel).

NetOne Acting board chair Peter Chingoka and board member Ruth Ncube discussing preOneTech-OneCover launch

“But more so for your information the Astro brand we are currently selling in NetOne shops. So, we are just finalizing on the credit facility.

BancEASY Chairman James Wadi speaking at OneTech-OneCover launch

Speaking at the same event, BancEASY chairperson James Wadi said this joint venture provides them with an opportunity to ‘bank’ the ‘unbanked’.

“From one perspective, to keep abreast there is need for us to continue finding ways and partnerships that will serve our customers well.

“ In recognition of that this is where BancABC with BancEASY come in to partner with NetOne and complement in terms of the services provision.

“One of the things we have noticed is that there are lot of people who are not served by the banking sector and we believe that this kind of partnership will help us to make inroads and try to serve those that are not well-served,” he said. “The challenge with service providers is that how do we tap into that market so that we begin to contribute to the bigger curve.

“So this partnership from our perspective is to try and tap into that untapped market. It’s a market that is unders

First Mutual Life Operations Executive Peter Shoniwa addressing attendants at the OneTech-OneCover launch


“It’s a market that is crying for various service so that they are incorporated in the mainstream economy.”

NetOne also launched a funeral cover product dubbed OneCover underwritten by First Mutual Life.

“OneCover is a NetOne product and we as First Mutual Life we carry the risk as underwriters,” said FML Operations Executive Peter Shoniwa.


NetOne Gets $ 10 million Facility from BancEASY

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