Lesotho govt to regulate Internet Broadcasting


Lesotho government through the Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA), has proposed new internet regulations which subject social media users with more than 100 followers to register with the authorities, a move meant to regulate internet broadcasting distributed over the internet.

Such individuals will be considered as internet broadcasters and internet posts that are accessible to at least 100 users will also be classified as internet broadcasts.

The proposal is contained on the Lesotho Communications Authority website were it states that,” The Lesotho Communications Authority (LCA) hereby notifies the general public that it intends to promulgate the Lesotho Communications Authority (Internet Broadcasting) Rules, 2020 in terms of sections 5(1) (c) and 38(2) of the Communications Act No. 4 of 2012.”

“The objective of the proposed Rules is to make provision for regulation of internet broadcasting and content distributed over the internet. The proposed Rules define internet broadcasting as internet posts accessible to at least one hundred (100) internet users in Lesotho, whether individually or in a series, and internet posts by users who have more than one hundred (100) followers in Lesotho.”

Under the proposal individuals conducting internet broadcasting as defined by the rules are required to register with the LCA , and comply with the broadcasting principles

The authority has invited public and industry stakeholders to submit comments on the proposal , with closing date being set at 29 October 2020 at 16:30 hours.

In response to the proposal MISA Zimbabwe has raised concerns over the new regulation stipulating that it will infringe freedom of speech online.

Lesotho is likely following the same footsteps by Tanzania regulation on online content creators.

MISA fears that the move could be to curb the freedom of expression and digital rights

While the same situation could by synonyms to what is happening in Zimbabwe with the Cyber security and Data protection Bill , which various speculations have said it aims to infringe the right to freedom of expression and freedom of the media.

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