
ICT Minister Muswere Appointed PAPU Chairman.


The Zimbabwean Minister of Information Communication Technology (ICT), Postal and Courier Services Dr. Jenfan Muswere, has been appointed the new Chairman of the Pan African Postal Union (PAPU) – an African Union Institution.

This came after Chief Sifundo Moyo was appointed the new Secretary-General of PAPU as the first Zimbabwean and Southern African Development Community (SADC) national to be elected to the position in the 41 years of the African Union affiliated institution’s history.

In his closing remarks at the just-ended PAPU Plenipotentiary Conference in Victoria Falls, Minister Muswere expressed his sincere gratitude to the delegates and participants for the opportunity bestowed on him to serve as the PAPU Chairperson during the coming cycle. He also thanked President Emmerson Mnangagwa for the guidance and support he extended to the Zimbabwean team ahead of the conference and beyond.

“I am mindful of the importance of the office and of our Union as one of the pillars constituted by the African Union for the emancipation of the Pan African community and for the development of the African continent postal sector.

“Your Excellencies, Esteemed Guests, ladies, and gentlemen, it is a privilege to serve Africa in such trying times, taking into cognisance the upcoming Universal Postal Union (UPU) and the COVID-19 pandemic. I would like to thank you all for the trust that you have bestowed upon the Government of Zimbabwe. Our predecessor, Cameroon has provided guidance to PAPU and we are particularly grateful to Her Excellency Madame Libon Li Likeng Minette for the great leadership exhibited during her tenure,” Minister Muswere said

The newly-inaugurated PAPU chairman expressed his commitment to working with other members of the Bureau, together with the highly professional team at the PAPU Secretariat.


Zimbabwe’s Sifundo Chief Moyo lands PAPU Secretary-General Post

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