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ICT Minister Hails Customer Centric Services


Information Communication Technology Minister (ICT) Tatenda Mavetera implored network operators in the sector to prioritize customer centric services that ensure that consumers have access to efficient, affordable and consistent connectivity.

Speaking at the Inaugural Zimbabwe Annual Telecommunications Conference today the ICT Minister said, “ It is important for us to engage and hear out citizens’ concerns from both consumers and technology companies so that the issue of data is addressed collectively”.

She noted that operators in the sector must adopt customer centric approaches especially when pricing products such as data. The Hon Minister hinted at impending engagements with operators and other stakeholders to address issues of data efficiency and accessibility The Telecommunications conference is being attended by CEOs of Operators in the sector and POTRAZ among other stakeholders.

She also stated that, “Zimbabwe is open for business and called for more investments in the sector as well as for more players to register as operators with POTRAZ. Increased investment and more operators in the sector will give more options and choices for the consumer.

During the inaugural Mavetera vowed her proactive engagement with the telecom sector and her willingness to listen to the citizens’ needs and concerns for a better connected Zimbabwe.

ICT Minister further encouraged young women to aim high in the world of technology and reminded them how special they are in the at the moment tha the world is celebrating International Womens Month.

Tari Mudahondo

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