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Bridging the Gap: How ZimSmart Villages Revolutionize e-Commerce in Underserved Communities with XMarketplace


By Ross Moyo

The ICT divide has been bridged by ZimSmart Villages revolutionizing e-Commerce in Underserved Communities with XMarketplace supported by many Partners who include First Lady Dr Auxillia Mnangagwa, NetOne and many other partners.

ZimSmart Villages, Commercial Manager, Alsandrah Kuvaoga, confirmed this development bridging the digital gap through BatsiHealth, a telehealth and remote monitoring service, which focuses on delivering healthcare services to even the most underserved areas.The online shopping platform is commercially known as XMarketplace, Also known as (aka) BatsiXMarket.

Speaking to TechnoMag at the just ended 114th Zimbabwe Agricultural Show, the ZimStart Commercial Manager said It provides virtual access to doctors, point of care diagnostics, medicines and ongoing follow-up through telehealth and virtual hospital principles.

“VakaAfya BatsiHealth is the full name for BatsiHealth and also the name of the app,” said the ZimStart Commercial Manager.

She added that ZimSmart Villages has a symbiotic three-pronged approach:
“XMarketplace which is an online platform that connects sellers and buyers, enhancing local commerce and providing access to essential goods and services. It also provides a subscription based online directory service which enables service providers to be found based on location.”

“BatsiHealth is a telehealth and remote monitoring service, it focuses on delivering healthcare services to even the most underserved areas. It provides virtual access to doctors, point of care diagnostics, medicines and ongoing follow-up through telehealth and virtual hospital principles.”

ZimSmart Institute anchors the ecosystem by providing a knowledge base to their agents, the bridge between the community and the organization, empowering them to serve their communities effectively.


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