
Zim Digital Economy Plausible and on the Brink – Muswere


$8 billion will be invested in the ICT sector year, targeting roll out of the optic fibre network, digital television services and access to online public services by citizens.This according to Government shows commitment to the attainment of a digital economy and continues to create an enabling environment for growth of the telecommunications sector in line with the National Development strategy (NDS1).


Information, Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Minister Jenfan Muswere indicated these sentiments at Nyachuru Containerised launch recently.He said the Government has collaborated with private sector to expedite the development of an inclusive digital economy by setting up digital hubs in rural and marginalised communities.

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To Be Tracked or Not? Apple Is Now Giving Us the Choice.

With Apple’s latest mobile software update, we can decide whether apps monitor and share our activities with others. Here’s what to know.

If we had a choice, would any of us want to be tracked online for the sake of seeing more relevant digital ads?

We are about to find out.


NetOne Is Lying About Their One Money Figures , Or Registered “Useless Increase”

State owned mobile network operator NetOne is  probably  lying about their  increased One Money  subscribers to Potraz  again or they  have  just  registered useless subscriber  increase.

NetOne  are not  new in this falsifying  of  information  business, they  did it 2018, before Potraz  penalised  them after they  misrepresented growth  figures  on their  mobile  subscribers, during the  “One Fusion hey  days”

According to the  latest Potraz  report, One Money purportedly  gained 82  159 subscribers in the Q4 of 2020 as they stated that  Active subscriptions for mobile money wallet One Money  increased from 854,320 recorded in the Q3 to 936,479 in Q4 of 2020.

Google, Facebook and Amazon face new UK regulator

A new regulator aiming to curb the dominance of tech giants has started work in the UK.

The Digital Markets Unit (DMU) will first look to create new codes of conduct for companies such as Facebook and Google and their relationship with content providers and advertisers.

The new unit will be based inside the Competition and Markets Authority.

The regime will be “unashamedly pro-competition”, said the business secretary.

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China’s top-tech Alibaba’s Jack Ma disappears for three months?

Jack Ma was about to become the richest man in China.In November 2020, on the eve of another commercial success, the outspoken billionaire suddenly went missing.Ma’s company Alibaba has risen from an online store run from his apartment, to one of the world’s largest tech giants.

Today, it reaches nearly 800 million users with services including online shopping, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

The tech magnate is known for his flamboyant presence and publicity stunts.He’s thrown parties for thousands of his employees and serenaded them with musical numbers like You Raise Me Up.


Masiyiwa celebrates Liquid’s Completion of ‘Most Audacious Project’ ever Built in Africa


Liquid Telecom, Africa’s leader in digital infrastructure, has completed one of the most audacious projects ever built on the continent, according to its founder and Chairman of the Econet Group, Strive Masiyiwa.

see more  on  https://technomag.co.zw/masiyiwa-celebrates-liquids-completion-of-most-audacious-project-ever-built-in-africa/

ZOL discontinues free minutes ZOLspot access

All the  good  things come to an end, but yeah like ZOL said the best things are for free,  but  not  anymore as the covid  induced economic  crunch  continues to bite  the world.

 ZOL has stopped the free 30 minutes of internet access that were  accessible through  various  ZOLspot locations planted all over the country.

This was a major move, connecting  basically  anyone  for those  critical 30min per  day to by pressing matters  or simple online check ups.

see more on https://technomag.co.zw/zol-discontinues-free-minutes-zolspot-access/




Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has regained the title as the world richest person after Tesla CEO Elon Musk slipped from the top spot on the Bloomberg Billionaire Index list.

Bezos is now $190 billion compared to Musk who is $170 billion worth


NFL rumors: Are Eagles going to trade a cornerback?

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