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ZBC Board Reads Riot Act On Former CEO Chikunguru For Corruption & Social Media Abuse

By Ross Moyo
The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) Board has read the riot act on its former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Ms Adelaide Chikunguru, for failing to follow due process in airing her grievances, she allegedly splattered around social media including her LinkedIn account.The Zbc board released a statement indicative of them taking any legal route against its former boss for the allegedly unwarranted, baseless and unfounded allegations she made against Minister of Information Dr Jenfan Muswere, the ministry itself and the corporation where she worked, for her dismissal at the country’s first National broadcaster.
The former CEO, was dismissed for misappropriating funds, including using funds for personal awards, unauthorized foreign trips, and the purchase of an unlicensed satellite internet service (Starlink).In a statement TechnoMag is in possession of, the board urged Chikunguru to stop abusing social media which boarders on cyber bullying bent on tarnishing the company, its stakeholders and the Minister based on here say and issues she never reported to any authorities which raises eyebrows on her unsubstantiated claims.
“Her social media statements, whilst apparently targeted at specific individuals, have scandalised the Corporation, its Board, and critical Stakeholders. Specifically, the suggestion is that the Board has abdicated its fiduciary duty to the Corporation and is acting at the whim of the Minister and the Board Chairman. The suggestion is made further, that the Corporation is unable to meet its obligations to key Stakeholders. Name dropping has been central in this sustained and unmitigated assault on the Board, the Corporation, and its key Stakeholders.”
The board also stated that Chikunguru’s resignation has not ended the investigation of the issues that led to her suspension adding that she will account in terms of the law for any loss, potential or real, of assets or other forms of prejudice that the Corporation may have suffered because of her alleged misconduct.
Ross Moyo

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