
Why You Should Stop Watching Porn on Your Cell Phone


Research shows that the practice could be putting you at serious risk

While the simplicity and convenience of watching porn from a mobile device makes for a tempting offer, it’s a practice that you should perhaps reconsider. Why? Recent research has shown that watching porn on a mobile device rings all sorts of security alarms and puts you at a high risk for getting hacked.

Wandera, a mobile security tech firm, examined the insecurity of porn sites and of mobile devices and made some alarming conclusions. 


They found that “almost a quarter of malware on mobile devices comes from porn websites,” and because “smartphone operating systems, especially Android, are not as secure as desktops, there are many vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited by hackers.

The tech firm looked at a number of different porn websites and found, at the time of their research, that 40 of the 50 top adult content websites such as Brazzers, Ashley Madison, and AdultFriendFinder had been exposed to data leaks.

(Ready for the real thing? The Men’s Health guide to pleasuring a woman will teach you all the secrets to sexual satisfaction.)

Conclusion: If you’re going to watch porn, know that watching it on your smartphone, no matter how convenient it may be, is putting you and your information at a much higher risk of being hacked compared to using a desktop.

Need some more tips to arm yourself against the threat of data exposure? Here’s how you can protect your passwords and information from evil hackers.


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