Tech News

POTRAZ Calls for Applications for Science, Technology Scholarship Programs


The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) has issued a call for applications for their ICT Scholarship program.

The POTRAZ Scholarship Program (PSP) is open to citizens of Zimbabwe with at least 15 points at the General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level (‘A’ Level) in three Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) subjects, who have been accepted into any state university in Zimbabwe.

The POTRAZ Scholarship is for programs related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), including but not limited to:

– Computer sciences
– Data science
– Electronic engineering
– Electrical engineering
– Information systems or similar fields focusing on emerging information communication technologies.

Requirements for this scholarship are as follows:
– The candidate must be a Zimbabwean national.
– Must not hold dual citizenship.
– Hold at least fifteen (15) points in three (3) STEM subjects at Advanced (A) level, earned no more than twelve (12) months before the application deadline date.
– Have an unconditional acceptance and admission letter (except for funding) for the upcoming August/September 2024 semester from a state university in Zimbabwe before the scholarship application deadline date.
– Not be a close relative of any POTRAZ employee.


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