Innovation Africa Summit Preps On Course


Preparations for the Innovation Africa Summit to be held in Mozambique co-organised by Innovation Africa and UNESCO are at advanced stages with the organisers confirming they are ready to launch the Global Education Monitoring Report.

The Innovation Africa Summit running from October 23 to October 25 will see the report unveiled on October 24.

The UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report 2017/18 is of great significance and impact, and it further brings outstanding high profile to Mozambique as the host country for Innovation Africa 2017.

The launch of the UNESCO report will have an introduction from Mr Getachew Engida – Deputy Director-General, UNESCO and a keynote address by Hon Dr Demeke Mekonnen – Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia.

This will be followed by a presentation of the key findings of the report by UNESCO’s Director of Global Education Monitoring Report, Mr Manos Antoninis.

Integrated into the formal programme of the Innovation Africa Summit, the Maputo global launch event of UNESCO’s 2017/8 Global Education Monitoring Report:

Accountability in education, will combine a presentation of the Report, addresses from the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education and UNESCO’s Deputy Director-General, as well as a high-level ministerial panel, and an interactive question and answer session.

Grounded in the evidence-based findings of the 2017/8 GEM Report, the aim this event will be to:
• Inform policy makers of different approaches to accountability being used in different contexts, their benefits and disadvantages.
• Share key evidence-based recommendations from the Report relevant to national, regional and global policymakers.
• Expand the GEM Report’s profile amongst key education stakeholders and reaffirm the Report as the core evidence-based advocacy tool for monitoring progress towards the education-related targets in the SDGs.
Following the report presentation, there will be a question and answer panel to discuss the important issues raised in the report.
The panel shall be made up of:
• Hon Conceita Sortane – Minister of Education & Human Development, MOZAMBIQUE
• Hon Matthew Opoku Prempeh – Minister of Education, GHANA
• Hon Mohamed Enver Surty – Deputy Minister of Basic Education, SOUTH AFRICA

Innovation Africa is firmly established as the continent’s number one high-level ministerial forum where industry partners enjoy pre-scheduled meetings and committed engagement with ministers and senior government officials from over 40 countries.
For more information on Innovation Africa 2017 please visit:

Mon 23rd Oct

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