Tech News

ICT Ministry Partners With UNDP ln Launching Zim Al And Innovation Week


Zimbabwe is gearing up to harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to drive economic growth and development, Minister of Information Communication Technologies (lCT) Dr Tatenda Mavetera made the announcement at the launch of the AI Innovation Week which they are partnering with United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which will take place from December 9 to 13, 2024 at University of Zimbabwe, Harare.

Mavetera emphasized the significance of AI in achieving Zimbabwe’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and realizing the country’s vision of a digitalized economy by 2030, she highlighted the potential of AI to enhance efficiency, reduce operational costs, and promote innovative solutions across various sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, education, and governance.

The government has developed an AI framework and is working towards creating an AI policy to guide the development and use of AI in the country. Mavetera also emphasized the importance of investing in digital infrastructure to support the effective implementation of AI in Zimbabwe.

One of the key events during the AI Innovation Week was the presence of Sophia the robot, a symbol of AI’s potential to foster collaboration, dialogue, and inclusivity. The event aimed to inspire Zimbabweans to embrace AI and explore its potential to drive transformative societal impact.

Zimbabwe is seeking to catch up with the global village in terms of AI development, and the government is committed to creating a policy framework that supports AI innovation while protecting citizens. The country is also encouraging partnerships between government, private sector, and academia to harness AI’s full potential and drive economic growth.

As Zimbabwe moves forward with its AI ambitions, it’s clear that the country is committed to leveraging technology to drive economic growth and development. With the right policies and investments in place, Zimbabwe is poised to become a leader in AI innovation in Africa.


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