In a call for greater collaboration within the technology and innovation ecosystem, the Chief Executive Officer of the Great Zambezi Initiative, Stephen Muraga today criticized the “silo” mentality that hinders progress and wastes resources.
By Vongai Masuka
In an interview with Technomag, at the Innovation Week Zimbabwe event running under the theme, “Accelerating the Digital Economy for Inclusive Development” held at the Portraz headquarters in Belgravia, Harare, the CEO emphasized the importance of breaking down barriers and fostering a unified approach.
“We’re bringing the ecosystem together as we’re trying to destroy the silos,” he stated.
“When people are working in isolation, you end up wasting resources and not doing what you must be doing because everyone wants to do their own hustle. When people come together, collaborate and use the available resources they will produce more.”
The CEO expressed deep appreciation for the opportunity to collaborate with Potraz, praising the accessibility and openness of the government agency.
“Being able to work closely with Potraz is a dream come true, being allowed to be here for three days is something we truly appreciate. We believe that after this innovation, we will get to a point where we will discuss how we can collaborate further. One thing that is certain is that their doors are open.
“Sometimes we just look at government offices as a place where only certain individuals can access, but we as the Great Zambezi Initiative did not provide a unique form of identification to be able to get here and collaborate with Potraz.”
Muraga has criticized of the competition for donor funding emphasizing that working together can as well bring more than what donor funding can.
“The competition that is in the ecosystem is for donor funds that are being poured into different programs. Donor funding is peanuts compared to what we can get if we just collaborate, what we’re able to create on our own big platform where there’s enough sunshine for everyone.” Muraga added.
Great Zambezi Initiative empowers entrepreneurs in the Zambezi Basin through collaboration, mentorship, and networking, aiming to boost the regional digital economy.