International Tech News

DFA Zim is Partnering with Starlink


Dark Fiber Africa Zimbabwe (DFA) has announced that is will be partnering StarLink for the backhauking and service distribution of its services to extend internet services to their stakeholders. DFA Chief Commercial Officer, Tongai Tanhara said the Starlink partnership will be implemented once Starlink officially obtains its license and in this arrangement, DFA will be responsible for connecting end users to the internet, while Starlink will manage the transponders and ground earth stations.

In an interview with TechnoMag, Mr Tongai Tanhara, the Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of Dark Fiber Africa Zimbabwe, mentioned that DFA is ready to collaborate with various telecommunications operators, including Starlink, to launch and expand their services in the country.

DFA is enthusiastic about partnering with Starlink to extend their services to current customers.

“We are looking forward to the time when we, along with operators like Starlink and others already present or arriving in the future, can launch and get licensed in the country. We will then be able to partner with these providers to extend their services to our customers,” said Tanhara.

Tanhara also mentioned that they are excited about the forthcoming services and are confident that they will enhance connectivity in underserved areas, providing valuable support alongside existing technologies.

DFA is not only partnering with Starlink but also with other telecommunications services that were not mentioned.

“DFA looks forward to partnering with all those that will be licensed, including Starlink and others.” he said.


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