The Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services Hon Jenfan Muswere updated cabinet that six (6) shared base stations have been completed in most urban areas around the country
In adherence to the Potraz Universal Service Fund which demands that under served communities must receivestate sponsored basesstations
The established basestations are at Showgrounds, Domboshava; Cowdry Park in Bulawayo; Zindoga in Harare; Ruwange in Nyanga; Chikonohono in Chinhoyi and Mandara in Harare.
Under the internet connection to Higher and Tertiary institutions project, two institutions, namely Mutare Polytechnic and Morgenster Teachers College were connected.
Under the schools digitalization programme, 13 of the targeted 17 schools were digitalized. On a related project, 15 schools were connected to the internet under the Schools Connectivity (e-learning) programme .A total of 10 fully furnished and equipped Community Information Centres (CICs) were established.