Over 4 Million Gigs Of Data Used In Zim Over 90 Days


Zimbabweans used over 4,1 million gigs of data in the last 90 days as more citizens embrace the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs).

According to the 2017 Postal and Telecommunication Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) 3rd quarter report, the data usage grew by 39,1% , from the 3,1 million gigs used in the 2nd quarter to 4,1 million gigs used in the 3rd quarter.

By Pearson Mbendera

The active internet penetration rate increased by 0.9% to reach 49.5% from 48.6% recorded in the previous quarter following a 1.9% increase in active subscriptions, contributing partly to the increase in data usage in the country.

Internet is fast becoming a basic commodity, with the recent internet glitch creating an information blackout that brought some businesses to a standstill as they could not operate well without the ease in sending and receiving vital information that is necessitated by the internet.

Of all the Mobile Network Provides (MNO), NetOne recorded the highest increase in data/internet consumption (86%). As a result, NetOne`s market share increased by 5.7% to reach 22.7% from 17% recorded in the previous quarter. On the other hand, Econet and Telecel lost market share by 5.3% and 0.3%, respectively.

Zim Mobile Penetration Hits 100 percent

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