Tech News

Dandemutande Launches $100k Cyber Security Centre In Zimbabwe


One of the innovative and cutting edge ICT solutions lnternet Access Provider Dandemutande has launched a $100k Cyber security centre in Zimbabwe , the facility is aimed to curb cyber attacks and to make sure that people’s data is protected.

Dandemutande has partnered with US based Elastic Cyber Security , Bitcrack and Cyber Alliance to fight the top global cyber threats, in an interview with Technomag Dandemutande Chief Executive Officer Never Ncube said, “ We have been working hard to make sure that we play our part as far as cyber security is concerned and we started off doing awareness training , penetration testing and this is the third layer of the service we are providing to the market which is 24/7 monitoring of attacks on different networks”.

Ncube further highlighted that cyber attacks are becoming high, “Cyber attacks are coming everywhere as far as Europe and Asia and a lot of companies have been attacked , we are having these attacks almost every other second and Zimbabwe has become attractive because of the dollar economy”.

“ Some attacks are never reported and l am inviting other businesses to make use of third facility we have set up and we hope this will help minimize the stigma on cyber attacks”, he said.

Dandemutande CEO also notified that Zimbabweans do not have enough education to manage cyber attacks and some rely on paying to have their data backed up henceforth the launch of the cyber security centre is crucial.

Tari Mudahondo

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