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“Only TelOne and Aura cleared to Sell Starlink kits in Zimbabwe,” Potraz


The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) has stated that only two entities so far can legally sell Starlink kits in Zimbabwe.

Speaking to TechnoMag in an interview, the Potraz Director General Dr Gift Kalisto  Machengete said that they have only cleared two companies in Zimbabwe to legally sell the Starlink kits.

Potraz stated that “the sale or distribution of STARLINK User Terminals without appropriate licensing and clearance is, therefore, an offense punishable by law.”

This means that all other service providers that have announced a partnership with Starlink must also get clearance from Potraz before they can sell their kits

 Most shipped kits that are stuck at the customs and DHL are being held so because the distributors have not yet been cleared for the exercise.  

It was however not clear what Potraz clearance in this case really entails especially for already licenced ISPs who are allowed to deal with telecommunications devices in Zimbabwe.

Some have said maybe security issues within the distributors so that all legal its are known and registered, while a certain clearance  fee was thrown around as a probable.

Sources close to the developments have confirmed that Aura which is already nearing it’s launch is the only private player that has been cleared by Potraz
Aura is company owned by Samuelle Dimairho.

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