Tech News

NetOne Scoops Best Rural lnternet Connectivity Award 

NetOne Scoops Best Rural Internet Connectivity Award

NetOne, Zimbabwe’s  telecommunications provider emerged victorious at the prestigious Zimbabwe ICT Awards held on Thursday in Harare, the company took home the coveted award for Best Rural Internet Connectivity, a testament to its unwavering commitment to bridging the digital divide in Zimbabwe’s rural areas.

The first runner up for the award was Econet and second runner up Powertel Communications,this  award recognizes NetOne’s tireless efforts to expand its network coverage to remote and underserved communities, providing them with access to reliable and affordable internet services and this initiative has had a profound impact on the lives of rural dwellers, enabling them to stay connected, access vital information, and participate in the digital economy.

The company’s dedication to rural connectivity has not only improved lives but has also contributed to the country’s socio-economic development.

The Zimbabwe ICT Awards celebrates excellence and innovation in the country’s ICT sector, recognizing individuals and organizations that have made significant contributions to the industry, NetOne’s win reflects its leadership and commitment in driving digital inclusion in Zimbabwe.

Tari Mudahondo

Econet Founder Strive Masiyiwa Honored At Zimbabwe ICT Excellence Awards

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