Zimbabwe’s internet landscape is evolving as Starlink expands capacity in areas that had previously sold out. Users in Bulawayo and towns surrounding Harare are finally gaining access after months of unavailability, marking a significant shift in the country’s digital connectivity.
When Starlink launched in Zimbabwe in 2024, it quickly became a game-changer, offering fast, reliable satellite internet in regions where traditional service providers struggled. The demand was overwhelming. Within weeks, Harare, Bulawayo, and their surrounding areas reached full capacity, leaving many eager customers unable to sign up. The sold-out zone expanded rapidly, covering towns as far as Chegutu and Macheke, more than 100km from Harare. Now, that is beginning to change. Chegutu and Macheke have reopened, and previously restricted areas like Mvurwi and parts of Bulawayo are once again accepting new Starlink users.
One of the biggest factors behind the initial congestion was the surge of informal resellers. Many individuals and businesses bought multiple kits upon launch, reselling them at a profit to customers who faced barriers such as payment restrictions or lack of online purchasing access. With Starlink’s network quickly reaching capacity, the secondary market thrived on platforms like Facebook and WhatsApp. As availability increases, this reseller-driven scarcity is likely to ease, providing direct access to more Zimbabweans.
Beyond Zimbabwe, Starlink has also been expanding in neighboring countries. Since mid-February, capacity has been opening up in Mozambique and Zambia, indicating that SpaceX is actively addressing network congestion across the region. This expansion suggests a future where “sold out” becomes a thing of the past