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ICT Minister Conferred 701 Certificates To Telone Learning Centre Graduates


The Minister of ICT, Honorable Tatenda Mavetera, presided over the graduation ceremony at the TelOne Centre of Learning in Harare today, where she conferred certificates to 701 graduates.

In her address, Minister Mavetera highlighted the Centre’s seven-decade legacy of producing graduates who have significantly advanced technology, telecommunications, and cybersecurity, both locally and on the international stage.

“It is with great pride as a nation that The TelOne Centre for Learning has been the bedrock in churning out telecoms graduates over the past 7 decades. The graduates produced from this institution have gone on to do great things in the telecoms industry be it locally, regionally and internationally.

I urge you today to innovate and collaborate while also letting your creativity shine. You are the future leaders, thinkers, and change-makers who will shape our economy and society.

She emphasized that the current graduates now carry the mantle to drive innovation and propel various industries forward.


TelOne Graduates 701 Students, Empowering the Future of Technology and Business

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