Making People Smarter With Brain-Centric Technology


Technology has been getting smarter and smarter over the years, while people have been getting dumber and dumber, but can combining the brain with a computer make people smarter?

Elon Musk has been working on a venture that will operate in the realm of implanting devices into people’s brains. Limiting the human interface with technology to the keyboard isn’t enough for technology giants who are always pushing the envelope as far as technology is concerned.

By Pearson Mbendera

While this sound like a good plot for a movie, the far reaching power of technology into people’s lives seems to be extending further. And the brain, being as fickle as it is, makes such projects dangerous.

While I’m sure that these projects will take long to reach the land of Africa, I’m concerned about how far we are lagging behind in the race to create some ridiculous technology. It was once said that the sky is the limit, but with technology having sent a man to space surely with technology, there is no limit.

I have long since argued whether it pays to be smart in this age of smart technology when all the answers are just a google search away, but having had technology necessitated what I term as the dumbing down of people, can we resort to it to make people smart?

I attended university during a time when the Internet became more readily available and more accessible to the people that I found it easy to just Google the answers to a problem I couldn’t solve while knowing that, a few years back, in high school, I would have had to sieve through chapters and chapters of a large volume of a book, just trying to find the text of things I hardly recalled having learnt in class.

And that has been the brilliance of technology, it has surely made life easier, and in so doing, it has made us over dependent on it. And you’d be surprised over the things people google about. Recently Google released a list of the How To things that people want to know about, from kissing to getting pregnant to making money, the people’s dependency on technology continues to grow by the day.

Maybe tomorrow, people won’t need devices to Google the solutions, having the computers in their brains with Internet access to do so.

We have depended a lot on technology, with our devices showing us directions, making some additions, enabling communication and now, there are even self-driving cars. Surely the advancement of technology to carry out the most basic of tasks everyone can do isn’t making the world better, but it seems as if technology is evolving at a far higher rate than humans.

I don’t wish to live long to see such an idea become a reality. Short of creating human life, it seems as if there is nothing technology won’t give to the people. It has made life easier, even prolonged it, hope the technology will tell people to stop, they are going too far.

But on a positive note, should this be made possible, I will surely save a lot of money if I can hack into people’s brains. That way, I wouldn’t waste time and money chasing after women who aren’t interested in me. But then again, they could hack into my brain and see the naughty thoughts I would have conjured up, surely this would do more harm than good. Maybe we have to draw a line on what technology can and must do, robots are busy taking over our jobs, and should we also turn ourselves into robots too, that would be more like them taking over us.

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