Econet Executives Hold Crisis Meeting


Zimbabwe’s leading Mobile Network Operator, Econet Wireless yesterday held a crisis meeting to map a way forward following the unfolding political events in Zimbabwe.

The meeting came after the Zimbabwe National Army announced that they had taken over operations at the national broadcaster ZBC in a military Coup like scenario. 

According to ITWebAfrica, Econet Wireless Zimbabwe Chief Executive Douglas Mboweni admitted to calling for a meeting but would could not discuss further about what they talked of until such a time he would talk to the media. Sources within the company said senior executives had been called to discuss possible scenarios and response strategies.

“These are normal strategy meetings when something like thus happens, especially after social media played a big role in spreading the pictures and news in the run-up to all this,” said the telecom industry executive.

Econet is the largest company in Zimbabwe with a subscriber base of over 10 million. Telecom industry sources said it is unlikely that business will be disrupted.

At the moment, the bulk of the Zimbabweans are getting their news via social media and the internet, highlighting just how important the telecommunication sector is during this time of crisis.



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